
Let me tell you about whose blog you’re reading here!

I have always been very busy and active, though those words have looked different at different times in my life. Growing up, I was very involved in sports, as was my whole family. I loved it and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I learned so many life lessons through winning, losing, and working with a team. I have always loved outdoor adventure, but because of constant team sports commitments, I really didn’t have time for exploring until I graduated from college.

Gavin and I were married in 2012 with plans of waiting several years before having any kids. God had a different plan though, and two years into our marriage, we were blessed with Owen, our little boy.  When I first had him, my thoughts were constantly “What am I going to do with a baby?” I started hiking with him regularly because that was one of the only activities I enjoyed where I could bring an infant along with me. The more we hiked, the more I loved it. Owen did great, and I realized how good it was for him to be outside, exploring frequently. I began thriving on researching the outdoors, and challenging myself with mountains. My whole life, I have appreciated mountains, but it was at this point that hiking really became a passion of mine.

Fast forward to the year 2016. Gavin graduated from the University of Utah with his Masters of Accounting and the best job offer he received was with a big accounting firm in Texas. So, our family of three packed up and moved here to Dallas- a big city with no mountains. It has definitely been an adjustment! I am doing my best to keep up my attitude of learning an exploring, even though the terrain is different than I’m used to. We’re finding new hobbies, visiting the gems, making new friends, and embracing the city. Mountains and outdoor adventure are still passions of mine, but we’re learning to see beauty in city life as well.

I started this blog in hopes of connecting with others in similar situations, and to inspire you to have an explorer’s mindset, no matter your tribe or terrain.

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