My 2018 Word of the Year

I’m going to share a few quick thoughts on my word of the year- what it is and why I’m choosing to do my new year’s goals this way.

yah…I know it is currently February 18th but you know what? My new years resolution wasn’t to not procrastinate, so I’m good. K.

Anyways, a few years ago I noticed some people doing a “word of the year” instead of a resolution and it really struck me. I love that choosing a word to focus on throughout the year makes goals less of an “achieve or fail” thing. It was the year 2014 and I chose the word “discover.” I wanted to discover the world around me, discover the people around me, discover more about myself, discover big things and small things, etc. Having this word gave me something to work towards and something to reflect on.

I wanted to do the word thing again this year. Even though I’ve put off writing this until February, choosing a word was on my mind all last December. If you read my post about the greatest lesson I learned in 2017, you know that enthusiasm and community were big words for me last year. Because I learned so much about enthusiasm last year, that word was a top contender for the 2018 word of the year. However, pushing this lesson more just felt a little forced.

Another top contender was the word “simplify.” I have heard others use this word and I know it could really benefit me. Again, this didn’t feel like exactly what I was looking for. I still love the ideas circling about minimalism, needing less, and living more. However, because it has naturally become a priority of mine to live simply, and because I am improving in this area, I didn’t feel the need to push or force this one either.

I wanted a word that would encompass bringing in a new baby to the world, relationships, and spirituality. I brainstormed, and when I thought of this word, I was like “Yesssss! That’s exactly what I need to work on this year!” The word: Selflessness.

I am not choosing this word because it’s something I’m good at. I’m not just being humble by saying this but I am not a selfless person. This is something I major need to work on, and I feel like it’s applicable in almost every area of my life. I need to remind myself that this can still be my year without it being the year of Madi. And you guys… it’s not something I’ve been able to change on a dime. Really, let’s all pray that by December I can be a little more selfless of a person, because it’s gonna take a lot of work. (see, exhibit A. I just asked you all to pray for me instead of me doing something for you. I just like to take. I’m not as good at giving.)

The funny part about choosing this word then waiting until February to write about it, is that because this word has been on the back of my mind, I have noticed people being selfless towards me more than ever. That was not my goal!!! But noticing it from others more does motivate me to be more observant, and it makes me want to bounce the selflessness back into the world.

So thank you for being patient with me as I challenge this big flaw of mine. Not in a ‘beating myself up way,’ I just want you all to know that I am aware of my shortcomings and am currently working on them. I do have a lot of ideas of ways I can implement selflessness more into my daily life, which will hopefully lead to it being more a part of my personality. If you need anything from me, let me know- I would love more opportunities to serve. I believe service is one of the most significant and easiest ways (best bang for your buck) to be selfless.

And as always, if you have any thoughts or ideas for me, please share! I love hearing from you!

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