Highlight ReAl

You guys I’m actually super excited to do this! I hope you all participate! Let me tell you what I’m starting here.

You know how sometimes you scroll through your insta-feed and you’re like “Wow I hate my life.” Well, the goal of my blog has never been to look so cool that other people just want my life. 1) I don’t have the money to live a life that will make you jealous lol and 2) my main goal for this blog is to encourage people to love their lives and find adventure around them.

Instagram is a great place to share your fancy vacation photos, cute pictures of you, your family, your surroundings, etc. That’s what I use it for! And I follow plenty of accounts that are just full of great photography and not real life. That’s the thing though, it’s not REAL life. People (including me) use Instagram to show off their highlight REEL, not their highlight REAL (shout-out to my cousin Brit who helped me come up with that phrase!).

So, here’s what I want to do. I want to encourage people to get out and have fun and see the world around them, and to be excited about doing this in big and small ways. No offense but I’m not suuuuper interested in showing off pictures of you sitting on the couch eating potato chips. I’m not sure how often this is going to happen, I’m thinking once a month, but here’s the plan: I’m going to post something on my story on Tuesday night that says “Submit your highlight real photos”. Then, either DM me pictures or post pictures on your story and tag me. I want the pictures to be of something fun you did within the last seven days. If you are on a sweet vacation- send me a pic! If you spent 2 hours at Target because that’s what makes you happy, send me a pic. I’m going to screenshot these pictures and share them on my story on Wednesday evening. I’ll tag the submissions with the owners in case anyone is interested in using this to help build their Instagram communities. I just want everyone to see REAL highlights of other people’s lives. We’re going to call this… are you ready?….  the #humpdayhighlightreAl !!!

Here’s a sneak peak of what I’ll be posting:

Three goals for this

1- Show off realistic highlight photos so that you all see what other people are really up to. Hopefully this will help someone stop feeling crappy about their life because “Everyone besides me is currently in Rome.”

2- Inspire others to enjoy real life and explore the world around them.

3- Build a little Instagram community of people who like to get out and do things.

Last thing I want to add: I know that not everyone has the opportunity to get out and explore. My heart goes out to those who need to stay pretty stationary due to medical or family conditions. If this is you, I would love to hear how you’re handling this and what you do to find joy and adventure in your life. You’re the real MVP. Also, unless there is a medical or family condition that is confining you, I don’t believe that trapping yourself inside all the time is a healthy way to live. I hope I can encourage you to change things up and start doing more.

As always, and I mean it, thank you for your participation in my little corner of the internet.

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