How to Get the Most Out of Your Trip to the Texas State Fair

If you don’t know already, the Texas State Fair is…like… a really big deal.

Last year we took our first trip to the Texas State Fair. We had no idea what we were in for! We enjoyed the Taylor Swift exhibit, a couple rides, some fried food, and called it good.

This year we took our second trip to the Texas State Fair. We got some recommendations, arrived early, we went to a few shows, actually looked at a map while we were there, enjoyed a ride or two, ate some fried food, and had fun.

Next year though… it’s going to be great! We finally feel like we know how to really make our trip to the fair count! Here are the tips we learned that we want to remember when we go again!

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Highlight ReAl

You guys I’m actually super excited to do this! I hope you all participate! Let me tell you what I’m starting here.

You know how sometimes you scroll through your insta-feed and you’re like “Wow I hate my life.” Well, the goal of my blog has never been to look so cool that other people just want my life. 1) I don’t have the money to live a life that will make you jealous lol and 2) my main goal for this blog is to encourage people to love their lives and find adventure around them.

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Why I Love Mondays

Yup, you read that right! I love Mondays! and for more reasons than one! Should I do this in list form or just start rambling? Hmm… let’s go with ramble.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard people complain about Mondays. And when everyone complains about something, it’s so easy to jump on the bandwagon and be like “yah… Mondays stink! take me to the weekend!” When I was in college a  looong time ago (and by looong time I mean 8 years haha) is when realized I should hop off this bandwagon because I was complaining about something that didn’t actually make me unhappy. I had things to look forward to come Monday!

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